

Senin, 10 Desember 2012


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You simply don’t want to waste your time. Your time is too valuable to be wasted in trivial matter. You want to make the most of your time by achieving your greatest goals. Yet, to make the most of your time, you need to begin disciplining your way to success. Discipline is ultimate principle that you must apply immediately to begin changing your life.
You need to see how to make the most of your time by doing your very best in lucrative project. You need to adopt effective work ethic. You need to do a reality check about yourself and do whatever necessary to succeed in your life. You need to adopt great work ethics that help you to be successful in what you are doing.
Don’t let yourself to be defeated by your situation. Begin to create your future today. Create the habits of succeeding, the habits of getting high value jobs done, the habits of continually making progress. You are in charge of your life. You don’t blame others for any problems that you are facing. You are taking responsibilities by doing those things that must be done.
Don’t put yourself into blame game. Blaming won’t give you any constructive solutions to any problems that you are facing. Face your problems courageously. Accept the facts that you have problems. Solve those problems and grow up. Blaming others and your unwanted situation will only make the matter getting worse. You will be dis-empowered by blaming others. Be in charge of your life by taking responsibilities.
It is by taking responsibilities about your life that you can begin to grow. You are in charge of yourself and your future. You accept the facts that you need to do something to get from where you right now to where you want to go.
Copyright: Martin W. All Right Reserved.


Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Tutorial Class of English

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Name   : Edy Nurcahyo
Class    : A
Tutorial Class of English with Mr. Jiff

Last week, I went to the campus. I had sat the most in front row of chairs. It the moment is learned of speaking English with chapter about differentiation between simple past, present perfect and simple present of sentences.
Some minute after I was sat in the classroom came my lecture, He is Mr. Kurniawan, He came with his friend who from Dutch. His friend is Mr. Jiff. Mr. Kurniawan gave to us a lessons with explained the details about it. Some people from us only gave to him any question, so in my class happened discussion.
I necessary review in order to remember;
At first, Mr. Kurniawan wrote three sentences in the white board, that is:
1.      I got My breakfast at 7.
2.      I have got My breakfast at 7.
3.      I get My breakfast at 7.
Afterwards, he gave to all students, His question is; “what different is it?”. Many of us that answered, except me. I only quiet because I felt difficult to gave statement, but I understand. I will be explaining again:
Example of number one:
“I got My breakfast at 7”
This sentence is form simple past tense. The simple past tense indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.
Example of number two:
“I have got My breakfast at 7”
This sentence is form present perfect. The present perfect expresses the idea that something happened (or never happened) before now, at unspecified time in the past.
The exact time it happened is not important. If there is a specific mention of time, the simple past is used: “I got My breakfast at 7”.
Example of number three:
“I get My breakfast at 7”
This sentence is form simple present.
-          The simple present is used to express habitual or every day activity, like is example above.
-          The simple present says that something was true in the past, is true in the present, and will be true in the future. It is used for general statements of fact, example like is bellow: “The world is round”
After all student felt content with explaining, Mr. Kurniawan gave a moment to Mr. Jiff to told about his business experience. He had a business that undertook by web shop. He opened his gallery business that operated by internet system. The gallery loaded some product like is picture, painting, etc.
He saw the gallery business from ex girl friend of his uncle then establishment at 2009. He has joined since 2010, the company has been selling product with manner of on line. Mr. Jiff could get  profit 2600 from total turnover 4000.
Work manner from system web shop is used Google analytics. Google could worked manner practice, that could is:
1.      How many viewers
2.      How old time used in open web
3.      From they come from
4.      How many new guest
Customers could did payment with manner:
1.      Transfer via bank
2.      Via courier
3.      Cash
4.      Dutch payment system IDEAL